Thursday, September 30, 2010

you don't know how shitty you actually feel till you stop feeling like shit

As a lot of you know, I've spent the last few months on a diet, cutting some body fat so I could not only be more agile in my sport of strongman, but also because I'm not a fan of being an unhealthy, fat, slob who has to take 5 minute breaks in between tying each shoe. I went from a fat 315 to a pretty respectable 300. My strength has sky rocketed and I've never felt better... well, thats not true, I felt great when I was 20, in the Army, about 9 percent body fat and could run 10 miles at the drop of a hat, but I digress... check out the progress in the link below.

Anyway, after my 12 weeks of the diet was over, I, being the the stupid asshole with no will power that I am, decided to start adding some foods back into my diet. I even went out and bought the same protein powder (I won't say which one, but it rhymes with Onster Ilk) I used to drink before I started my diet. What can I say? I wanted to EAT! Something horrible happened though... I started to feel the way I did before the diet! I felt (and still do as I'm writing this) awful! I began to reintroduce foods that were making me feel like shit in the first place.

You see, I never knew how awful I actually felt until I started to feel great. When I cut out all the shitty foods, booze, and other factors that were adding to my demise, I started to feel awesome. A lot of people go through life feeling like a complete tub of goo without even knowing it. They wake up feeling like shit, they drive to work feeling like shit, they come home feeling like shit and they go to bed feeling like shit. The sad part is though, they're so used to it, that its just, normal.

Its kind of like the allegory of the cav... uhhh, that might go over some of my reader's heads... Its kind of like the Truman Show. He never knew anything but the world that was presented to him and that was his reality. So many people have felt like shit for so long that they never know what feeling good ACTUALLY feels like.

Don't believe me? Give it a shot. Cut out the big food antagonists like dairy, wheat, alcohol and sugar for two weeks and then let me know how you feel. I'll bet you feel about 100 times better than you do now. Then, if you want, start to reintroduce those foods.

I learned that I can handle dairy very well, but wheat gluten makes me feel like doo doo brown. Its because of this, that I'm going to be going back to my "diet" and do another 12 weeks... my guess though, is that I'll be following this regimen for the duration of my competitive streak.

Believe me, when I get to the point that my ego no longer dictates the decisions in my life and I no longer want to, or probably, will be able to compete, my diet is going to be very simple. Can you say only 4 meals a day consisting of meat and vegetables? How easy is that?

Anyway, give an elimination diet a shot for 2 weeks and then let me know how fucking awesome you feel compared to the way you feel now.

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