Anyway, if you know me, you know that I'm not shy about my life and the shit I go through. I have no problem telling people shit that most would like to be kept a secret. Hell, if you've been my friend on facebook for more than a day, I've made it pretty apparent that I can be vocal, almost annoyingly so, and its OK, I'm fine with it. If you don't like it, block me, piss off, whatever. I'm gonna keep saying my shit and you're gonna deal with it, but again, thats not what I'm writing about.
What I'm writing about is the fact that we never know who we're influencing around us, but believe me, your actions and voice speak louder than you think. I mean, some of the stuff that I say, regardless of how stupid half of it is, I have found, believe it or not, to really help people. I have actually affected some people's lives in a positive way. People dealing with issues like ADHD, to depression and other stuff, have contacted me looking for advice and help, and who the hell am I? I just some schmuck with a computer. Its not that I'm anyone important, its just that I'm someone they can relate to because I have made it clear that I'm dealing with the same issues. I mean, I never really thought about it, but there are people out there looking for help and looking for other people like them, and sometimes, there are people just looking for something stupid to make them smile for a second so they can forget about the monotony of their day. Why do you think I post shit so often? If something pops into my head that I think is funny, I figure at least ONE other person will get a kick out of it. (but lets be honest, I'm fucking hilarious)
I hate getting all deep like this, but I just felt the need to write about how we influence others. I'm not saying that you should go out and spread your dirty laundry, just in case there is someone else out there with your problem, but keep open ears and eyes, because you just never know when someone is looking for that assurance that they're not alone in this shitty world.
Your Facebook updates are priceless. Thank you sir for your contributions. I have also enjoyed reading this blog. It is definitely more entertaining than the amount of bullshit paperwork that I am required to do while I'm here at work.