Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Aren't you afraid that muscle is going to turn to fat?

So, I've decided to turn this whole blogging escapade into more than just a recipe guide. I mean, I've got a lot of shit to say, regardless of whether or not you want to hear it. It will all be fitness related, so don't worry, I'm not going to rant and rave about how shitty of a president Ol' Barack has turned out to be or anything (really, really shitty by the way)

Anyway, a question I, and I'm sure many of my fellow meatheads get, is "aren't you afraid all that muscle is going to turn into fat when you get older?" This question pisses me off to no avail. Its almost as annoying as "how much do you bench". Look, first of all, IT IS PHYSICALLY IMPOSSIBLE FOR MUSCLE TO TURN INTO FAT! It just can't happen. Its not like a dude who lifts weights turns 50 and then all of the sudden his body starts going into some sort of physiological tailspin and starts alchemying (I just made that up) muscle into fat.

Now, am I worried that when I get older and probably become more sedentary that I may gain some unwanted body weight? Its a possibility, but very doubtful, and I'll tell you why. You see, when people like myself or other strongmen, powerlifters and bodybuilders put on such a large amount of mass, it isn't just an over night thing that they do because they are "genetically gifted". I don't think that the majority of the population really gets how much work is put into getting your weight into the upper 200's and 300's. We have to eat A LOT of food.... to the point that it isn't really enjoyable. After reading an article by Dave Tate yesterday http://www.t-nation.com/testosterone-magazine-641?s=indexTitle#dave-tate-talks-bulking-cutting I began thinking about this and my own experiences and how often I come across people who are so oblivious to the dedication it takes. Every time someone comes up to me to inquire about training, the first question out of their mouth is, "hey, what supplements should I take?" They're always shocked when I look at them and say "what's your diet like? if you're not eating enough, then supplements are a waste of time." Then of course, they always tell me "ohh, I eat a lot... like yesterday, i went to subway twice and had a protein shake" wow dude, you're really chowin down huh... now take that and triple it and you're starting to get into the realm of eating enough. They don't realize that it requires shoving down 7-8 meals a day, hating every bite you take. Its not for the week of heart. You really need to "want" to do it.

Where am I going with all of this? Well, when I get older and my ego finally lets me stray away from wanting to be the biggest and strongest motherfucker on the planet, I'll simply not eat as much. Its really that simple. Plus, I guarantee you I'll never stray away from the weights or physical activity. Lifting heavy things isn't just a hobby, its a fucking religion to me and my fellow meatheads. At night when I go to bed, I think about the next session I'm going to have under the bar. I schedule my classes, work and social life around my eating and training schedule. I am constantly envisioning breaking through my goals and despite how many out of shape and obese doctors and nurses tell me that I'm ruining my body, I'll never quit do it.... to sum it up, its pretty important to me.

Also, all of us meatheads know something that most of the general population doesn't. The dietary guidelines set forth by the USDA and the food guide pyramid are COMPLETE BULLSHIT! Most of us like to eat healthy whole food sources like full fat meats, fruits, vegetables, nuts and oils. You know, stuff that's full of that terrible fat and cholesterol. Yet, we're healthier, larger and stronger than everyone else... wonder why that is? But keep eating your low fat, processed foods and we'll see who lives longer.

So when I get older, am I worried? No, I'll probably be that dude that's in his 60's, looks like he's 30 and is hitting on 20 year old gym bunnies while the rest of the people my age will be the fatties on the stationary bike, reading stupid fitness magazines, eating low-fat/low-cholesterol diets, wondering why they're so fucking fat.

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