Friday, October 8, 2010

Wishing in one hand, crapping in another

Recently, I've been making some moves, emailing some people about possible projects and working my ass off so I can make this whole "being strong" thing and the knowledge that I've attained over the past 14 years become lucrative for me. I'm not exactly the 9-5 job type of guy.. I'd rather have a bullet in my head.

So, in order to put my name out there, I made a fan page on facebook and I've gotten some criticism about it from a couple of people, which is fine, I could care less. I'm a fan of criticism... just read my last blog. I realize that I'm still just another schmuck at the bottom of the barrel, scratching his way to the top, but I'll tell you this.. I guarantee I will be on top. Go ahead, doubt me, it just adds fuel to my fire.

There's an old saying (I think its old anyway) "Wish in one hand, crap in another.. see which one fills up first"... its true. Everybody wants to be on top, but no one is willing to do the work. Keep wishing though, one day you might win a scratch off, but until then, if YOU don't get out there and promote yourself, then nobody gives a shit if you're the next great thing, regardless if its at your job, in your sport, or any other endeavor in your life.

The difference between me and other people? I know I'm the next best thing and I'm gonna hype myself up as such, but I also realize that if I don't bust my ass to live up to that hype, I'm going to crash down hard and fast. Its a risk, but without risk, there is no reward.

This whole process that I've been going through pretty much encompasses my entire belief system. I realize that I need the help of everyone around me, because lets be honest, I don't know shit about being a responsible adult, I need to get stronger in certain areas of my sport and when you give up everything else in your life to chase a dream, poverty goes hand in hand. Conversely though, I'm stubborn as fuck and will quit when I'm dead. Plus, I don't give a shit what anyone outside of my "inner circle" thinks about me. This world has 6 billion people in it, I don't plan on walking through the pearly gates with out pissing off at least a few people. On that note, bury me upside down so that anyone who doesn't like me can kiss my ass.

I realize this sounds like me defending my choices, which it partially is, but its also a wake up call to people out there wishing that they had a better job, were a better athlete, or just had a better life. Here's a tip... GET OFF YOUR FUCKING ASS AND GO MAKE IT HAPPEN. Quit crying like a bitch about "how hard you have it" and make some fucking changes.

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